2013年11月3日 星期日

Draft for the AP 3D Concentration

I have been long though about a central idea for my concentration. It has been hard to find an inspiration. Since the start of this school year, we have be suggested to come up with different ideas for our concentration projects. Initially, I was naive and not sure what to to and where to start. Initially, I have come up with an idea to work on pieces that  have corruption with each other, which means that all the work piece is an art work itself but at the same time, form a larger piece.

After seeing all the AP art works and the artists presentations by all my fellow classmates, I start to realized that it is not enough to make an outstanding art work simply with the ideas with lines and shapes. I have found out that an outstanding portfolio is usually more than just portfolio. What I mean is that the art works have an central idea, a voice, and an ideal.

I have been inspired by Ms. Pamela and Mrs. Jones' talk on the topic about racism. Although I did not personally encountered insults based on my race, many of my friends around the world have been facing serious issues regarding discriminations.

Art is an innate language of human, which means that its a way to promote peace. It is evident that art has influences on the community and thus the entire world. This prompted me to rethink about my concentration. Now, I am still seeking for a way to integrate the idea regarding discrimination and racism into works.

Until now, I want to combine 2D and 3D elements. But I am still not sure what kind of medium I would employ. I have always been told to search for novel ideas for materials. I think, I might have to explore and experience new mediums and look for inspirations in my life. I hope, I would come up with an idea that can make the world a better place. If not the world, a small corner in this part of the world.

