2013年3月11日 星期一

Impression on the Video


After watching this video, to be honest, I wasn' t fascinated by it since I have seen many other similar effect with artistic design. Domino is the first thing that come up to my my when I was watching  the video. Yet, I am impressed by the accuracy how different sections of chemical and physical reactiions are interconnected.

Do you think this is art? Why or why not?

I don't really think it is a form of art. To me, art is a way yo convey ideas or  asthetic values. I believe this in my own opinion. Maybe some will think it is a form of art. I thnik its just a consecutive chemical reactions that have been presiely calculated and putted together.

Does it remind you of anything?

This video reminds me of domino. I have seen art works made with domino or used it as a medium. It is sort of like the concept of domino where the precious action will lead to the scond one.

After all, although I did not enjoy the video not think it's a form of art, most importantly, I found inspirations from it.

