2012年9月29日 星期六

Vincent van Gogh
The Starry Night
Style- Post-Impressionism
Medium- Oil on canvas

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is a masterpiece among famous art works.  It has a dream like feeling under the mesmerizing starry night. He painted the night with vibrant colors. The lines and shapes combined to present the towns and the sky.

Seascape near Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
June 1888 – 1888

Vincent Van Gogh took a 30 mile stagecoach trip from Arles to the sea-side fishing village of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer on the coast of the Mediterranean sea In June 1888. He painted the seascape with lines which let the entire art work become vivid and full of motions.

William Blake
Satan Smiting Job with Sore Boils
Around 1826
Medium- Pen and ink and tempera on mahogany

William Blake utilizes pen and ink to create an artwork with a intimidating atmosphere. Satan Smiting Job with Sore Boils addresses the existence of evil and suffering in a world where a loving, all-powerful God exists. According to the Tate.org, it has been described as ‘the most profound and literary work of the entire Old Testament’.

Jan Asselijn
The Threatened Swan: interpreted later as an Allegory on Johan de Witt
(1640 - 1652)
Style- Northern Netherlands School
Medium- oil on canvas

Jan Asselijn emphasized the fierceness of the bird is by the feathers flying through the air. The Threatened swan sketches a bird with outstretched wings and arched neck, and it is protecting her eggs from a dog, which is approaching from the left. I like this artwork because it has expressed the swan’s ferocious feeling.

Adolph Menzel
Building Site with Willows
Style- Realism
Medium- Oil on canvas

Adolph Menzel have found the willows not far from his flat under a blue sky and bathed in sunlight. It is in Schöneberger Straße near what was later to become the Landwehr Canal. In the meantime, the scene of suburban are stir up the memories of my grandparents in my mind.

Karl Friedrich Schinkel
Gothic Church on a Rock by the Sea
Style- Romantik
Medium- Oil on canvas

Karl Friedrich Schinkel was describing a scene that is in darkness with the setting sun hidden behind the Gothic church that rises up on a rock right by the water. In addition, the transition from land to sea is like a cliff there, and the house of God seems like a vision bathed in an auspicious glow, a telling image of the Christian worldview. I was attracted by this artwork because it has a impressive feeling that I cannot describe.

Henry Moore
Catspaws off the Land
Medium- Oil on canvas

Henry Moore has many casual artworks. Catspaws off the Land is depicting his friends who were yachting, which had becoming very popular in the late nineteenth century. After I looked the word “catspaws” of the title, I found out that means the gentle breezes that move the fishing boats along. I

François LeMoyne
The Apotheosis of Hercules
(1731 - 1736)
Style- French painting, 18th century
Medium- Canvas

François Lemoyne has designed this strikingly bold ceiling project that filled with human and animal figures. Besides, It is a study for Le Brun's first large commission, the decorations at the Hôtel Lambert. The artist used the technique of optical illusions, which makes the vault look higher than it really is. Apotheosis of Hercules seems like it has no boundary and the feeling which u can merge into the masterpiece.

